This easy recipe makes a tasty dinner or a meal plan of 4 portions to refrigerate and reheat throughout the week. Other than the toppings, the prep requires...
Author: Del Monte
A delicious Game Day treat that combines the best of chili and nachos in one hearty appetizer. Chili is out of the bowl and served over Tater Tots® nacho-style...
Author: Del Monte
Peas, spinach and basil blend into a no-cook creamy pesto pasta sauce. Add shrimp or chicken to make a main dish.
Author: Del Monte
A complete chicken and pasta dinner prepared in just one skillet - no colander needed! Boneless chicken breasts are topped with crushed garlic croutons...
Author: Del Monte
Fresh poblano chiles, shredded cheese, and spicy southwest-style corn make an easy and delicious spoon bread.
Author: Del Monte
Everything's better with bacon...and cheese. Make your favorite green bean casserole even better, just by adding these two ingredients. And no need to...
Author: Del Monte
Creamed corn and whole corn kernels bake up moist and sweet in this easy cornbread recipe using corn muffin mix - enjoy as muffins or squares with anything...
Author: Del Monte
Creamed corn and whole corn kernels bake up moist and sweet in this easy cornbread recipe using corn muffin mix - enjoy as muffins or squares with anything...
Author: Del Monte